Thursday 12 April 2012

Disaster in my garden :(

Truly its disaster!

Sunday's rain damaged the garden and all my seedlings of Capsicum, Cherry tomato and Carnation :(

This was my first experiment with Carnation but unfortunately it went for a toss.. Got the plant cuttings couple of months ago and was maintaining with utmost care to get good results uing Rooting agent..peat..compost..and a GreenChamber!

I was almost there.. stems started rooting and producing new side shoots.. and now, all the roots are disturbed and not sure whether these survive or not :(

My little bonsai uprooted!

Though my GreenChamber was in a could not resist the wind

Drained cocopeat and compost

Hmm.. guess its time to re-design my GreenChamber ;)

Damaged seedling.. infact not just lost my seeds but my hours spent on them!

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